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3pk CBD Cosmic Cleanse Tea

3pk CBD Cosmic Cleanse Tea

Infused Rooibos and Licorice Tea

Crafted with antioxidant-rich Rooibos, stomach-soothing Licorice root, skin and gut supporting Marshmallow root, the powerful Astragalus, and much more, our Cosmic Cleanse is brewed for a better you.

Cosmic cleanse doesn’t contain caffeine so it is a great tea to drink at any time during the day, but can be enjoyed in the evening for relaxing. Remember, each bag can be used up to 2-3 times (and be sure to press and massage the bag with a spoon for maximum benefit!)


Est. 50-60MG Per Tea Bag (Full Spectrum)

Contains coconut milk (used as a lipid to increase CBD absorption)

    Excluding Sales Tax
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