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3pk CBD Highbiscus Tea

3pk CBD Highbiscus Tea

Infused Herbal Hibiscus Tea

This intoxicatingly deep red blend of CBD Hibiscus tea redefines what it means to enjoy herbal. Hibiscus has been used for centuries to support a healthy body. We’ve added a handful of complementary herbs for an exotic, semi-sweet mountain-high experience. Highbiscus makes a fantastic hot tea, but is equally delicious on ice. Hibiscus CBD tea offers a bright tart refreshing flavor, with mild sweetness from citrus and lemongrass. Along with a sweet tang from the cranberry and a finishing note of sweetness from stevia, Highbiscus is a fantastic tea year-round


Highbiscus is caffeine free, so it’s easy to drink any time of day. We suggest even brewing it hot and adding ice for a lovely iced tea moment. Remember, each bag can be used up to 2-3 times (and be sure to press and massage the bag with a spoon for maximum benefit!)


Est. 50-60MG Per Tea Bag (Full Spectrum)

Contains coconut milk (used as a lipid to increase CBD absorption)

    Excluding Sales Tax
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