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3pk CBD Sensualitea

3pk CBD Sensualitea

Inspire heightened feelings of passion, warmth and sweetness with this blissfully crafted CBD love brew. Lightly floral, delicately sweet, and with a pinch of Ginger spice to raise the eyebrow.


Meet Sensualitea, our limited-run CBD rose tea. This herbal blend combines peppermint & lemon balm with bright floral notes, along with a millennia old Chinese medicinal: Horny Goat Weed, or Yin Yang Huo. This blend is crafted to inspire feelings of love, passion, and excitement.This blend is crafted to inspire feelings of love, passion, and excitement. Ideal for both men and women.


Sensualitea does not contain caffeine so it is a great tea to start sipping in the evening when trying to relax and unwind. It’s a great tea to enjoy at any time during the day.


Remember, each bag can be used up to 2-3 times (and be sure to press and massage the bag with a spoon for maximum benefit!)


Est. 50-60MG Per Tea Bag (Full Spectrum)

Contains coconut milk (used as a lipid to increase CBD absorption)

    Excluding Sales Tax
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