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3pk CBG Midnight Dream (Chamomile) Tea

3pk CBG Midnight Dream (Chamomile) Tea

Special Edition: CBG Midnight Dream

Infused with organic CBG flower, this blend includes calming Chamomile, refreshing Spearmint, Orange Peel and Lemongrass. Ideal tea for meditation and soothing the soul.


We suggest that you drink this tasty CBG Chamomile tea approximately 30 minutes before bed. Frankly though, you can enjoy it whenever you want to relax and unwind from your day. It’s the perfect tea to add to your bedtime routine, but isn’t so strong that you can’t enjoy it in the morning or afternoon.

Remember, each bag can be used up to 2-3 times (and be sure to press and massage the bag with a spoon for maximum benefit!)


Each bag contains:

Est. 35-40MG CBG & 5MG CBD Per Tea Bag (Full Spectrum). Batches vary.

Does not contain caffeine

Contains coconut milk (used as a lipid to increase CBD absorption)

    Excluding Sales Tax
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